Miracle australianlabradoodle
Where real miracles are made
Breed presentation
The breed is allergy friendly.
When you get an Australian Labradoodle from a breeder that is part of a breed association, you can be sure that the puppy's parents are healthy and meet the breed definition.
History: The Australian labradoodle (ALD) is descended from the labrador retriever, the poodle and the cocker spaniel. From the beginning, ALD's development has been based on the idea of a well-built, good-natured dog that is suitable as a family and hobby dog as well as an assistance and therapy dog.
Character: intelligent by nature, friendly, open and social. The breed is easy to train.
Size: Mini 35-43 cm, medium 43-53 cm and standard 53-63 cm.
Colour: All colors are accepted, except Merle coloring or albinism are not accepted for health reasons.
Fur: Fleece or wool, curl varies.