Miracle australianlabradoodle

Where real miracles are made


I have more than 30 years of experience with many different dog breeds and have successfully practiced various sports with my dogs. It was clear to me as soon as I met my first Australian Labradoodle that we had finally found the perfect breed. The cute nature combined with intelligence, excellent trainability and characteristics suitable for a family dog ​​make me happy every single day.

The goal is to breed healthy, easy-to-train and good-natured Australian Labradoodles according to the breed definition.

All our breeding dogs are extensively health checked.

I have more than 30 years of experience with many different dog breeds and have successfully practiced various sports with my dogs. It was clear to me as soon as I met my first Australian Labradoodle that we had finally found the perfect breed. The cute nature combined with intelligence, excellent trainability and characteristics suitable for a family dog ​​make me happy every single day.

Tavoitteena on kasvattaa rotumääritelmän mukaisia terveitä, helposti koulutettavia sekä hyvä luonteisia australianlabradoodleja.

Kaikki jalostuskoiramme ovat laajasti terveystarkastettuja ja rekisteröity kansainväliseen rotujärjestö WALA:an.

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